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2021-2022 Hamburg CSD - Return to Learn Plan

2021-2022 Hamburg CSD - Return to Learn Plan

Cleaning and Handwashing


     In order to prevent the spread COVID and other infections from surfaces it is important to regularly clean contact areas and to wash hands.  Our school will:

  • Custodians will follow a cleaning schedule for regular cleaning of restrooms, surfaces and floors.
  • ECSD will make cleaning supplies available to employees to be used during the day.
  • Employees/Students are encouraged to wash their hands regularly, as well as cleaning high touch surfaces throughout the day including keyboards, phones, light switches and doorknobs.




     In accordance with Iowa law, mask usage is optional and based on individual employee/student beliefs.   HCSD will not separate or group by mask usage of masks. 


Symptoms During School


     Employees who exhibit or develop symptoms while at school will notify an administrator, and isolate from other employees/students.  The administrator will make arrangements for a substitute teacher. 


     Students who exhibit or develop symptoms while at school should report to the nurse’s office.  Students entering the nurse’s office will be asked to put on a mask before entering the office to prevent the spread of infection to others who may be present in the nurse’s office.  The nurse will take steps to verify symptoms and make arrangements for the student to get home.


Below is a guidance chart for students/employees to use:








Isolate 5 Days & Symptom Free

Stay Home and Seek Health Care Guidance

Attend School & Activities Monitor for Symptoms


Isolate 5 Days & Symptom Free

Stay Home Seek Health Care Guidance

Attend Work and Monitor for Symptoms





A Positive Employee/Student is defined as an employee/student that has a confirmed case of COVID 19 (laboratory-confirmed or met clinical criteria with an epidemiologic linkage).


When an employee/student has a confirmed case of COVID-19, the employee/student should:

  • Stay home and maintain social distance of six feet from others at all times.


-Seek and follow a health care provider’s guidance


-Self-monitor for new or worsening symptoms of COVID 19.


  • Return to work/school guidance is different for symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals:

-Asymptomatic employee/student with a confirmed case of COVID 19 may return to work/school if at least 10 days have passed since the date of their first positive COVID-19 diagnostic test and no subsequent symptoms have developed since the positive test. 


-Symptomatic employees/students with a confirmed case of COVID-19 may return to work/school under the following conditions:


  1. 5 days since symptoms first appeared and
  2. 24 hours with no fever without the use of fever reducing medications and
  3. Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving





A symptomatic employee/student is defined as an employee/student that has one high risk symptom or two or more low risk symptoms as defined below.


When an employee/student is symptomatic, the employee/student should remain home and is advised to seek an evaluation by a health care provider.


High Risk Symptoms:  New cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, new loss of taste or smell.


Low Risk Symptoms:  Fever, headache, muscle and body aches, fatigue, sore throat, runny nose, congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.





Employee/Health Professionals

  • Notifies the school nurse there is a positive COVID 19 employee. 

Close Contacts

  • School nurse will notify those in close contact with the employee that they have been exposed to a positive employee.  Those in close contact will not be quarantined but should monitor for symptoms. 

School Staff

  • The school nurse will send a general message to school staff informing them there has been a positive employee.



Student/Health Professionals

  • Notifies the school nurse there is a positive COVID 19 student. 

Close Contacts

  • School nurse sends e-mail to specific employees who worked with the positive student and informs them to monitor for symptoms but there is no quarantine.

School Staff

  • The school nurse will send a general school-wide message that a student has tested positive.


  • The building principal sends a general message, to a targeted audience, that a student has tested positive.


Iowa Department of Public Health:  COVID-19 and K-12 School Update for Fall 2021, Exclusion Criteria.

Iowa Code, House File 847


Questions about the Return to Learn Plan can be sent to:

Dr. Mike Wells, Superintendent                mwells@hamburgcsd.org

Mrs. Jackie Barrett, Principal                       jbarrett@hamburgcsd.org

Mrs. Paige Jones, School Nurse                  pjones@hamburgcsd.org