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High Tech 5th Grade Classroom

September 14, 2018


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Did you know our school has some of the most high tech classrooms in our area?!

Forget the traditional chalkboards! The fifth grade classroom has 5 TV monitors, 1 OneScreen with Octopus software, 15 MacBooks, and a MakerBot! Miss Tomlinson is just realizing the power of her classroom. Classwork can be projected onto the monitors using a laptop, tablet, or even the camera of a connected device. Think about science dissections? Can you imagine projecting a live stream of the dissection of an owl pellet onto the five monitors, as well as the OneScreen?!? Everyone can see exactly what is happening from their seats without crowding or any neck aches! Students can with ease swivel their chair to a nearby monitor and check out the learning!

The possibilities with the OneScreen seem to be endless as exploration of its abilities have just begun. Mind you, each classroom was upgraded this summer to feature a OneScreen! 5th graders used the felt tipped pen with the interactive board to mark attendance. It easily projects images and classwork like the Promethean boards did. So far the best part, more than one person can write at the same time! Think about showing multiple math solutions at the same time. Time is saved by having two students being able to write their solution at the same time!

Using the headset Miss T's voice and instruction can be projected through the ceiling speakers. No more raising of the voice over students' chatter just so they can hear the next direction! "It was nice for my voice to project from the ceiling rather than one place in the classroom. All students could easily hear me as it projected from above them rather than potentially the opposite corner of the room. I did not strain my voice and could keep it at a low level all day."

The 3-D printer, also known as a MakerBot, was hard at work Wednesday. Miss Tomlinson hooked it up and ran a test print with no troubles! Five gray interlocked chain links were preset as a test print. With continued exploration, a blue koozie was printed after ten long hours of anticipation. Students will be able to creatively and authentically put their learnings of the x, y, and now z-axis to work with this machine!

High Tech 5th Grade Classroom

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